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Music was my first love -
now writing piano music

what I can do for you

Live music

Piano teaching

piano coaching online


music Production

for Your Project-your brand -Commercials - film


short piano Version of my song "was it a dream"


Let's start creating your sound or your song. Listen to my ideas -  I follow my soul - my heroes come from the 60ties and 70ties nevertheless I like modern Arrangements and I will produce a contemporary track for you

Listen here to some examples of my work



3 of my Songs Liz Cunningham and Fabian Thomas

Was it a dream Liz Mix1GL Slammin1.23Liz Cunningham
00:00 / 02:28
Do it Again-Fabian ThomasFabian Thomas
00:00 / 03:49
AngelsFabian Thomas
00:00 / 01:16

3 Songs performed by Lo Brandis as song ideas

break up IILo Brandis
00:00 / 02:19
MargaretaLo Brandis
00:00 / 02:43
Farmers TreeLo Brandis
00:00 / 03:59

performing Christoph Schrag-Florence-eve Parot

Banana Raita Lo Brandis
00:00 / 05:12
Gotta GoFlorence
00:00 / 03:10
C U on our first dateEve Paro´
00:00 / 03:19

My latest Album Find my way home on bandcamp

4.Find my way home Artist Name
00:00 / 03:15
4.Find my way home Artist Name
00:00 / 03:15
4.Find my way home Artist Name
00:00 / 03:15
Find my way home Lo Brandis
00:00 / 03:15
TyramissU Lo Brandis
00:00 / 03:01
Policia in CasaLo Brandis
00:00 / 02:30

nice music for film composed may be for you

RotterdamLo Brandis
00:00 / 02:29
Accidently thereLo Brandis
00:00 / 03:41
TomcatEve Paro´
00:00 / 02:12


In former times Modern Toys Music has won many international awards for advertising music including New York Gold Clios for Marlboro and Pizza Hut, Lions in Cannes for Ford, Renault, Candy and Company, Diebels, Citroen, ADC Silver Nail, Universal Music and more

now i concentrate on writing in differnt styles

Have a glimpse ...


Music was my first love

Music was my first love

Hello dear viewers, I am Lo Brandis, also known as Lothar Brandes. I want to tell you a story about a German musician who is not Eminem, Mick Jagger, Taylor Swift, or Sir Elton John. I will share the stages I have gone through, what was interesting, what was beautiful, what was super good, and what was bad. Yes, that's how life goes. It all started with Hendrix. I was and still am a Hendrix fan. But Hendrix on the piano? Can that work? Of course it can. Hendrix was not only a brilliant guitarist but also had great songs behind him. I then thought, maybe it works on the piano too. I tried it, I sat down and actually, I believe it works. What do you think? How did I get into music? As a child, I started playing the piano very early on, then in school bands, in different formations, and then I entered the professional music scene with the group FEE during the Neue Deutsche Welle era. We had a good run, selling 150,000 LPs (yes, LPs were still a thing back then). We had a lot of fun and went on tour a lot. It was a great time. In 1984, I moved to Hamburg and founded the advertising music production company "modern toys music" together with my partner, guitarist, singer, and composer Kelvyn Hallifax. I was born in London and also made music there, released records, and then sailed to New York. I then went on a tour of Germany with an American band and coincidentally got into advertising music through my girlfriend. We were very lucky and immediately started full-on in the business. We won international awards, including two Gold Clios in New York for Marlboro and Pizza Hut. We also won many awards at the Cannes Advertising Film Festival and had a lot of work. The business was booming, but it was also hard work. Now, let's talk about some interesting examples of commercials we produced between 1985 and 1995. You can really see that things were a bit different back then. The band Kraftwerk made a jingle for Expo 2000 that was 4 seconds long and cost 400,000 DM. Some people thought that was too much. Günter Jauch said he wanted to reproduce this jingle with us within 10 minutes. So, we went to Cologne and tried it. We had 10 minutes. Günter Jauch sang "Expo 2000" and we actually managed to add the vocoder effect within 10 minutes, making it sound like Kraftwerk, well, sort of. Here comes one of my more classical-inspired compositions for piano. I moved away from Hamburg and settled in the countryside. And then I wrote a piece called River Wabe, so River Wabe now, or would you rather see an advertisement? Preferably Ajax or Tesla or Audi or Ford or joint lubricant or a Step Fresh Peach spray? In a state of deep relaxation, it occurred to me that I had studied before. So, I took a position teaching music and English at Hamm Gymnasium in Hamburg. In the absence of a film crew, I placed my smartphone on the music stand of the Steinway grand piano and recorded a music lesson. The task for the students was to paint a picture based on my music. The students loved it. Gift of Love is an idea that my partner Jasmin Kray and I had in Hamburg - namely a website, a website where you could choose music offerings for specific occasions, for specific events, and it should work like a digital greeting card. But in this case, it was a bit more, you could choose a song on the website that matched the occasion, and then you could simply record a text directly on your phone without any registration or anything. A greeting text or something up to 30 seconds. It would then be automatically mixed into the music, and you would have a personal message that you could send. It was quick, it came immediately via email, and you could listen to it and send it right away. A brilliant idea, actually, but unfortunately, after financing the programming, we lacked the funds for promotion. Yeah, that wasn't so nice. Give it a listen. Well, you have to do something for your health too. So, I instrumentalized - orchestrated - composed music for yoga films, well, in any case, I made music for it. No one loses out on that, right? Or how was it, cat thread? Dear listeners who have made it this far, and dear musicians, keep making music. Music has always helped me in good times and bad. The money is there. It's just elsewhere, with the streaming platforms, the record labels, the multinational corporations. Stay tuned, follow me on YouTube and Instagram for what I like to do with this music.
Little Wing
Policia en casa

Policia en casa

Policia en casa Dieser Titel erzählt musikalisch am Piano eine Geschichte, die in unserem Alltag vorkommen kann. Alle Übereinstimmungen mit tatsächlichen Vorfällen sind rein zufällig. Eine durchschnittliche Familie sitzt am Frühstückstisch. Alles ist wie immer. Die Eier 4:30. Die Espressomachine fordert eine Grundreinigung. Das Radio läuft über YouTube und auf Insta gibt es nichts Neues. Plötzlich steht die Polizei an der Tür. Es ist nicht die Policia local sondern der Staatsschutz. Um Einlass zu bitten besteht kein Grund, denn sie sind schon drin. Ob wir nicht von der neuen Verordnung gelesen hätten. Es stehen 5 Jahre Gefängnis darauf. Worauf denn? Auf die Nichtbeachtung. Aha. Das leuchtet ein. Der freundliche Polizist hat einen Ausfall. Sein Finger zuckt an der Waffe, es kommt zum Handgemenge, die Waffe hat kaum Munition und die Familie will weiter frühstücken. Die Lage eskaliert. Einer der Polizisten nimmt sich ein Brot. Doch bitte gerne ruft die Familie - was wollen sie eigentlich? Die Verordnung. Aha. Der dicke Polizist kann sich nicht mehr halten und greift sich ein Ei. Er fällt auf den Küchentisch und verordnet die Bestimmungen so wie er das bei Corona gelernt hat. Handgemenge und die Scheiss Waffen funktionieren nicht. Alte Bestände. Muss jetzt neu. Ausser Polen schicken wir den alten Mist in die Ukraine. Aha Die hübsche Polizeianwärterin deeskaliert die Situation. Wir sind doch alle etwas Bluna. Im strahlenden A-Dur Schlussakkord liegen sich alle in den Armen und die lustige Polizeitruppe setzt die Ermittlungen im Nachbarhaus fort. Die schöne Polizeianwärterin darf sogar beim nächsten Einsatz in Berlin auf einem Wasserwerfer mitfahren.

Lo Brandis 2023


some photos here


Meet the team

Lo Brandis

Jasmin Kray


Sergey buglak

Bildschirmfoto 2021-11-15 um 22.18.36.png

Artwork by Fehmi Baumbach



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 Modern Toys Music © 2023. All rights reserved 

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